Nitrogen is an essential nutrient for soil and plant health, but its effects may change depending on the levels of nitrogen present as well as the form it is in. The most important effects nitrogen has on plant life are nutrient availability, soil acidification, groundwater contamination, and greenhouse gas emissions; these all correlate to overall plant health. Knowing these relationships is essential for a sustainable garden.
One of the many positive effects nitrogen has on soil is that it's one of the critical ingredients of chlorophyll, amino acids, and proteins. When nitrogen levels are at the right point, they boost plant growth. Another positive effect of nitrogen is increased microbial growth. By having the right amount of nitrogen in the soil, we see an increase in microbial activity, which promotes nutrient cycling and overall improves soil health. As you can probably surmise, nitrogen levels in soil are of great importance to plant health. Not only does it cause the effects mentioned earlier and improves overall plant resilience, which is the ability to overcome environmental stresses, such as drought or disease. Balanced Nitrogen Levels benefit plant growth and health, but they are not all good. What happens when nitrogen levels are unbalanced?
Unbalanced nitrogen levels, as they sound, are not beneficial to plant, soil health, or our health. Overusing nitrogen-based fertilizers, especially ammonia-based ones, can lead to soil acidification. This, unlike what balanced nitrogen levels cause, will lead to plant deterioration as a result of decreasing soil fertility and crop productivity. This excess nitrogen can become nitrate, which is a highly soluble form of nitrogen, meaning it can easily leach into our groundwater. This risks our drinking water and may result in environmental damage. Unbalanced nitrogen levels significantly affect our planet, one of the main contributors to greenhouse gases. It is important to keep levels of nitrogen balanced as the more balanced the levels are, the fewer greenhouse gases will affect our planet and our health.